Frequently Asked Questions
Type /msg NickServ register password [email], where password is the password you want and optional argument email is your e-mail address.
You can give permanent channel levels (+, %, @, & on join) to registered users by typing /msg ChanServ level add nick, where level is either VOP for voice (+), HOP for halfop (%), AOP for op (@) or SOP for protected op (&) and nick is the user you want to give the level to.
A vhost (virtual host) is a method to mask a user's real IP address/host name. You can request one by joining our help channel #help. Make sure you have read and understood our vHost policy before joining.
If you are hosting servers, bouncers etc. and need a session limit increase, you can request a raise by joining our help channel #help. Make sure you have read and understood our session limit policy before joining.