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Below are a list of various object listings, sorted by regional usage.
== GTA III ==
=== General Objects ===
* [[Objects/GTA_III/General_Objects|General Objects]]
* [[Objects/GTA_III/Portland|Portland Island]]
* [[Objects/GTA_III/Staunton_Island|Staunton Island]]
* [[Objects/GTA_III/Shoreside_Vale|Shoreside Vale]]
1100-1109 = Very short road and road corner sections
1110-1115 = crossroads/junctions
1116-1122 = medium lenth straight road sections
1123-1124 = Curved roads
1125-1127 = One way road sections with median wall and grass
1128 = Straight 4-lane road piece
1129-1138 = Lift bridge pieces
1139-1147 = Portland bridge pieces(Including damaged version)
1148-1157 = Road tunnel sections
1158-1171 = Subway tunnel sections
1172-1175 = More road tunnel pieces(2 lane)
1188-1189 = Road tunnel entrances(2 lane pieces from SSV)
1190-1191 = Subway platforms
1192 = Road Tunnel entrance
1193 = bridge_path_parent
1194-1197 = 4 lane road tunnel sections
1198 = Subway platform
1200 = Pier with stairs
2101 = Curved 4 lane road tunnel section
2102-1206 = Random bridge roadway sections
1207 = Subway platform
1208-1212 = Random road tunnel pieces
1213 = Stone dock
1215 = Flags(From car dealership)
1216 = Portable Cabin(Camp Shack)
1217-1220 = Flat deck truck trailers
1221-2123 = Gates from 8-Ball's bomb shop
1224-1225 = garage and door
1226 = Scaffold pole
1228-1232 = Car parking garage pieces
1233-1237 = Random Staunton Island construction site objects
1238 = Airport hanger A
1239 = Airport triple ramps
1240 = garage door
1241 = Outdoor light
1242 = basketball net
1243-1246 = Outdoor lights
1247-1249 = Airport hanger and doors
1252-1253 = plysav_lftdr
1253-1255 = Gas pipe pieces
1256-1257 = Striped pole gate
1258-1259 = Billboards(Blank)
1250 = Airport hanger
1261 = Car park booth
1263 = Tall floodlight
1264 = Frieght container
1265 = boxes
1266 = Rockstar billboard
1267 = used car dealer sign
1268 = 3D 8-Ball
1275-1281 = Gates
1282 = Sub road barrier(Gaurd railing)
1283-1286 = Gates
1287-1288 = left/right directional road barriers(orange & white arrow gaurd railings)
1289-1299 = Fences and bar barriers
1300-1304 = Sidewalk canopies
1306-1309 = rocks (verious sizes)
1310-1314 = random junk
1315-1317 = doors
1318 = vending machine
1319 = briefcase
1320 = float package
1321 = drug package
1322 = Fire hydrant
1323 = Money
1324 = Mine
1325 = Porn magazines
1326 = glass door (from Chinatown laudrymat)
1327-1328 = Bollard/bollard light
1329-1330 = Police ball signs (From the SP mission "The Fuzz Ball")
1331-1332 = Police cell wall/broken wall (From the SP mission "Kanbu Bust-out")
1333-1334 = Blue garage doors
1335 = Payphone booth
1336-1337 = barrels(non-explosive)
1338-1340 = Wood palette and cardboard boxes
1341 = barrel with coals
1342 = lamp post
1343 = wooden box
1344 = Explosive barrel
1345 = Lamp post
1346 = Parking meter
1347-1348 = trash bins
1349 = Road work barrier
1350 = Bus sign
1351 = Cardboard box
1353-1354 = street lamps
1354-1355 = signs
1356-1357 = trash bins
1357 = Fish basket
1359-1360 = orange & white barrel and traffic pylon
1361-1364 = Icons
1365 = Crane magnet
1366 = Large drug package
1367 = Stack of files(From the mission "Evidence Dash")
1368 = Bullion bars(From the mission "Bullion Run")
1369-1370 = Pieces of bridge rubble
1371-1372 = Airport doors
1373 = Bouy
1374-1376 = Doors(From Joey's garage)
1377 = Petrol Pump
1378 = Wood ramp
1380 = door
1381-1382 = Rock patch
1383 = Police bribe icon
1384 = GTAIII icon
1386 = Chinatown bank door
1389 = Bomb(From the opening cutscene)
1390 = glass
1391 = Camera icon
1392 = Kill frenzy/rampage icon
1393-1394 = lamp posts
1395 = Body cast(From the mission "Plaster Blaster")
1396-1403 = Random broken street-side objects
1404 = Double street lamp
1405 = Traffic light
1406 = noodle box
1407 = Fish basket
1408 = Garden Bench
1409-1412 = Staunton constrution fence pieces
1413 = Fish
1415-1438 = Various trees/bushes
=== Portland Objects ===
435-448 = St. Marcs buildings
449-466 = St. Marcs Land pieces
467-468 = Portland fire station platform
469 = Petrol station
470-473 = Eastern St. Marcs buildings/land pieces
474-476 = junk yard objects
478-482 = St. Marcs buildings
502-503 = Car crusher
505 = 8-Balls land piece
507 = St. Marcs broken road
510-512 = Large cement coast pieces
518-519 = Tall St. Marcs building
520 = Fire tower
521 = Used car dealership(Easy Credit Autos)
523 = Lighthouse and island
524-526 = 8-Balls house
528-530 = St. Marcs stuff
532-536 = Salvatores house pieces(Object 604 = Salvatores house railings/doors)
558-561 = Beach land pieces
596-598 = 8-Balls land
200-206 = Hepburn Heights land bits
234 = Redlight building
235 = Hepburn tower center
236 = Road tunnel entrance
243 = Luigi's club rear
245 = Tree patch
249-263 = Red Light District buildings
264-268 = Inland pieces
270 = Head radio building
271 = CrossRoadn1
272 = rdsign18bk
273 = El-train platform
274 = Subway main platform
275-289 = Portland land bits
290 = Portland save house interrior
291 = Portland subway entrance
292 = garage door
298 = Tall red light district building under construction
905 = SupaSave
909 = Bus depot tarmac
910-915 = Docks tarmac
916-938 = Portland land pieces
939 = Joey's Garage
941 = Bitch'n dogfood factory
942 = Supa Save Stairs
943 = Factory building
944 = Amco building
645-947 = Docks buildings
948 = Bus depot cover
949-950 = Docks buildings
951 = Dock crane
952-953 = Ship
954-956 = Factory sheds
957 = Portand Industrial Estate sign
958-959 = crane
960 = Bus depot building
961 = block_maindrag
962 = Dock wearhouse
963-965 = St. Marcs buildings
984 = Portland Docks parking lot
993 = Dock wearhouse
999-1000 = Dock blocks
1003 = Dock crates stack
1004 = Mean Street taxi garage
1005 = el-train track piece
1007 = dockwall
1008 = bus depot wall
1009-1011 = Road signs
1014 = tree patch
1030-1031 = dock walls
1032 = trees
1033 = wood walkway ramp
1034 = Blue garage door
1038 = Sweeney General Hospital
1039 = Porland police station
1066 = St. Marcs el-train platform
1074 = Joey's Garage interrior
1075 = Sawmill
1078 = Liberty Pharmaceuticals factory
1086 = Dock land piece
730-739 = Chinatown buildings
740-764 = West Portland land pieces
765 = Triple billboard
766 = Lights
796-797 = Small road bits
798 = Chinatown building
799 = Fish factory wall
800-802 = road signs
803 = Punk Noodles diner
803 = Large building next to Portland Bridge
812 = diner sign
814-817 = Generic road pieces
819 = Walls from under Portland Bridge
821 = Chinatown basketball court
822-823 = trees
827 = Large chinatown building with alley
828 = stairs from Chinatown el-train platform
836 = Greasy Joes Diner
838 = ramp
841-843 = Chinatown building
852-853 = Chinatown el-train platform
855 = Portland bridge helix barrier
865/882-883 = Large dock crane
866-868 = Shipping containers
870 = Water tower
871-872 = pipes
873-876 = Junkyard rubbish
877-879 = Junked vehicles
880 = Blank billboard with lights
881/884 = dock wearhouses
885-886 = Large fuel containers
889-890 = train yard stuff
891-893 = cranes
894-895 = Water towers
989 = High tension powerline tower
899-901 = tyre stacks
903-904 = Salvatores house doors
315 = Large stack of shipping containers
316 = tunnel section (from 8-Balls to Supasave)
319 = rail tracks
320 = stairs
321 = life boats
322 = rail platform
323-324 = billboard
325 = car lift
326 = dumpster
327-329 = crates
330 = car lift
331 = fish factory oil tank
332 = scaffolding piece
333 = telegraph pole
334 = Hepburn Heights building
335 = Industrial chimney
337-347 = St. Marcs buildings
350 = Pay n spray door
351 = Salvatore house door
354-368 = Random Chinatown pieces
369 = Industrial chimney
370 = Windowbox plater
371 = balcony
372-373 = stairs
376-378 = Walls
380 = pointy tree
381 = Flags
382 = door
385 = Joey's garage door
386 = 8-Ball door
387-390 = glass
391 = garage door
392-393 = highway signs
395 = bank door
396-399 = Chinatown banners
400 = Damaged Uncle BJ's deli
401 = garage door
406-407 = doors
408 = Uncle BJ's Deli
409 = St. Marcs building
412 = Chinatown light string
415 = Uncle BJ's Deli door
417 = Pier
418/419 = Fish factory damaged/undamaged
420-431 = el-train track pieces
432 = Calahan bridge sign
610-723 = Roads, roads, more roads and roads
724-725 = Cutscene bridge rubble and smashed vehicles
=== Staunton Island Objects ===
1885-1887 = Carson General Hospital
1888 = Very short 4 lane road piece
1889-1896 = North west Stuanton land pieces
1897-1900 = Phil's compound stuff
1938-1947 = Contruction site pieces
1948 = Road tunnel section
1949-1950 = Liberty University
1952 = Stadium
1953-1960 = Building site area stuff
1963-1964 = Tall buildings
1965 = Hositpal parking lot lines
1966-1967 = Tall buildings
1980-1982 = Subway entrance and platform
1992-1993 = Stadium grass pieces
1994-1998 = Garage doors
1999 = stadium grass
2000 = trees
2001 = Aspatria buildings
2002 = Construction site lift
2004-2010 = Phil's compound pieces
2011 = Construction site interrior from cutscenes
2013 = Stadium parking lot
2014-2019 = trees
2020-2024 = University pieces
2025 = Junk cars
2026 = Construction site fence
2029 = trees
2039 = pipe_start_box
2041 = mesh fence
2042 = small road corner piece
2043-2047 = Building site ground pieces
2075 = Small wooden pier piece
2076-2082 = Aspatria buildings
2083-2093 = Bedford Point Land pieces
2094 = North west stuanton coast land piece
2096 = Belleville Park section
2097-2103 = Newport buildings
2104-2107 = Belleville Park pieces
2169-2171 = Road pieces
2172-2182 = Newport stuff
2183-2185 = Mall
2187 = town hall
2189 = Asuka's appartment building
2202-2206 = garages
2208-2213 = trees
2215-2223 = newport buildings
2229 = helix_road4
2230-2233 = overpass pieces
2239-2241 = halix road(Lift bridge onramp)
2248 = carpark ground floor
2249 = large right angle building
2250-2253 = newport stuff
2262 = Asuka's appartment ground section
2266-2269 = Dock pieces
2270 = Tall newport building
2271-2274 = Newport land pieces
2287 = trees
2290-2292 = Mall
2293-2296 = Belleville Park pieces
2301 = Ammunation
2312-2314 = huge overpass jump
1440-1444 = skyscrapers
1445-1454 = Torington buildings and land pieces
1455 = Jail cell
1458 = Newport museum
1459 = Police station
1460-1461 = Torington stuff
1462-1463 = trees
1464-1466 = Torington police area
1467-1471 = trees
1486-1487 = Long road barrier/gaurd rail sections
1547-1553 = Torington road stuff
1565-1570 = Casino
1585 = Court House
1586 = sky scraper
1587 = Empire State building
1593-1596 = shops
1597-1599 = sky scraper
1604 = opera house
1605 = red brick courtyard
1606 = Church
1607 = townhall
1608-1609 = art gallery
1610-1620 = underground pieces
1621 = Hyaku Dojo buildings
1623-1625 = Subway bits
1630-1631 = Broadway buildings
1633 = Sky Scraper
1694 = ped bridge
1695-1696 = roads
1699-1700 = 3D roads
1701-1708 = trees
1720 = Broadway buildings
1723-1725 = billboards
1730 = subway platform
1731-1732 = Donald Love's garden
1733-1737 = graffiti
1742-1743 = roads
1744 = graveyard
1745-1751 = downtown buildings
1760 = tw@t cafe
1761 = sky scraper
1765-1884 = Verious road pieces
=== Shoreside Vale Objects ===
2340-2343 = Land bits
2344 = Observatory
2345-2349 = tunnel wall bits
2353-2354 = villa house decking
2356-2359 = mailboxes
2360-2367 = villa land pieces
2369-2371 = parking lines
2375 = tunnel entrance
2383 = open garage
2384 = mansion wall
2385 = Dam pod
2388-2389 = long walls
2390 = metal stairs
2391 = Dam pump house
2393 = bridge
2395/2397 = Dam base/wall
2400-2429 = mountain cliffs
2462/2464 = witchita gardens buildings
2470-2475 = mountain
2544-2554 = walls
2555 = parking lot
2559 = mansion security hut
2562-2568 = Dam fences
2570 = mansion
2571-2573 = crates
2577-2581 = posters
2595-2600 = villa houses
2603-2604 = fences
2625 = Dam fences
2628-2647 = trees
== GTA Vice City ==

Latest revision as of 18:44, 26 January 2017

Below are a list of various object listings, sorted by regional usage.

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