Client Manual

From Liberty Unleashed Wiki
Revision as of 17:05, 21 October 2009 by Juppi (Talk | contribs)

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Liberty Unleashed is a multiplayer mod for GTA3. It was created due to the lack of any advanced GTA3 multiplayer modifications available.



  • T - Chat
  • Tab - Show scoreboard
  • ` - Show console
  • F4 - Toggle spawnscreen
  • F5 - Enable/disable chatbox
  • F6 - Show network statistics
  • F12 - Take a screenshot

Spawn Screen

  • Left/Right - Select class
  • Shift - Spawn

Console Commands

You can open the console by pressing ` , then use a command by typing it with its parameters and then pressing enter. All the commands can be used via the chatbox as well by prefixing them with a slash ( / ).

General Commands

  • commands - Displays a list of commands
  • say <message> - Sends a chat message to the server
  • kill - Commits suicide
  • quit, q, exit - Exits the game
  • disconnect - Disconnects from the server
  • reconnect - Reconnects to the current server

GUI Commands

  • guilod <level> - Changes the Level Of Detail in the GUI
  • chatpos <x> <y> - Moves the chatbox to the given X and Y coordinates
  • chatwidth <width> - Sets the chatbox width
  • chatback <on/off> - Enables/disables the chatbox background
  • chatlines <lines> - Sets how many lines are used in the chatbox
  • chattextsize <size> - Sets the size of the text in the chatbox
  • chatfont <fontname> - Sets the font to be used in the chatbox
  • consolepos <x> <y> - Moves the console to the given X and Y coordinates
  • consolewidth <width> - Sets the console width
  • consolelines <lines> - Sets how many lines are used in the console
  • consoletextsize <size> - Sets the size of the text in the console
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