From Liberty Unleashed Wiki
This Blip class member returns or sets the position of the blip on the radar.
You can either return or set a new value using this member:
Vector Blip.Pos
Blip.Pos = Vector newPos
- newPos - A vector representing the new position of the blip.
Example 1. Returning the value
This example command prints the position of blip ID 0 on screen when someone types '/blippos'.
function onPlayerCommand( pPlayer, szCommand, szText ) { if ( szCommand == "blippos" ) { local pBlip = FindBlip( 0 ); local vPos = pBlip.Pos; if ( pBlip ) MessagePlayer( "Blip ID 0 is at pos - " + vPos.x + ", " + vPos.y, pPlayer ); } return 1; }
The functions FindBlip, MessagePlayer and event onPlayerCommand were used in this example. More info about them in the corresponding pages.
Example 2. Setting a new value
This example command will move blip ID 0 to player's position when they type '/setblippos'.
function onPlayerCommand( pPlayer, szCommand, szText ) { if ( szCommand == "setblippos" ) { local pBlip = FindBlip( 0 ); if ( pBlip ) pBlip.Pos = pPlayer.Pos; } return 1; }
The functions FindBlip, Player.Pos and event onPlayerCommand were used in this example. More info about them in the corresponding pages.