System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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openidbadusername (Talk)Bad username specified.
openidcancel (Talk)Verification cancelled
openidcanceltext (Talk)Verification of the OpenID URL was cancelled.
openidchooseauto (Talk)An auto-generated name ($1)
openidchooseexisting (Talk)An existing account on this wiki
openidchoosefull (Talk)Your full name ($1)
openidchooseinstructions (Talk)All users need a nickname; you can choose one from the options below.
openidchooselegend (Talk)Username and account choice
openidchoosemanual (Talk)A name of your choice:
openidchoosenick (Talk)Your nickname ($1)
openidchoosepassword (Talk)Password:
openidchooseurl (Talk)A name picked from your OpenID ($1)
openidchooseusername (Talk)Username:
openidclientonlytext (Talk)You cannot use accounts from this wiki as OpenIDs on another site.
openidconfigerror (Talk)OpenID configuration error
openidconfigerrortext (Talk)The OpenID storage configuration for this wiki is invalid. Please consult an [[Special:ListUsers/sysop|administrator]].
openidconvert (Talk)OpenID converter
openidconvertinstructions (Talk)This form lets you change your user account to use an OpenID URL or add more OpenID URLs
openidconvertoraddmoreids (Talk)Convert to OpenID or add another OpenID URL
openidconvertothertext (Talk)That is someone else's OpenID.
openidconvertsuccess (Talk)Successfully converted to OpenID
openidconvertsuccesstext (Talk)You have successfully converted your OpenID to $1.
openidconvertyourstext (Talk)That is already your OpenID.
openiddelete (Talk)Delete OpenID
openiddelete-button (Talk)Confirm
openiddelete-error (Talk)An error occured while removing the OpenID from your account.
openiddelete-sucess (Talk)The OpenID has been successfully removed from your account.
openiddelete-text (Talk)By clicking the "{{int:openiddelete-button}}" button, you will remove the OpenID $1 from your account. You will no longer be able to log in with this OpenID.
openiddeleteerrornopassword (Talk)You cannot delete all your OpenIDs because your account has no password. You would not able to log in without an OpenID.
openiddeleteerroropenidonly (Talk)You cannot delete all your OpenIDs because your are only allowed to log in with OpenID. You would not able to log in without an OpenID.
openidemail (Talk)E-mail address
openiderror (Talk)Verification error
openiderrortext (Talk)An error occured during verification of the OpenID URL.
openidfailure (Talk)Verification failed
openidfailuretext (Talk)Verification of the OpenID URL failed. Error message: "$1"
openidfullname (Talk)Fullname
openidlanguage (Talk)Language
openidlogin (Talk)Log in / create account with OpenID
openidlogininstructions (Talk){{SITENAME}} supports the [// OpenID] standard for single sign-on between websites. OpenID lets you log in to many different websites without using a different password for each. (See [// Wikipedia's OpenID article] for more information.) There are many [// OpenID providers], and you may already have an OpenID-enabled account on another service.
openidlogininstructions-openidloginonly (Talk){{SITENAME}} ''only'' allows you to log in with OpenID.
openidlogininstructions-passwordloginallowed (Talk)If you already have an account on {{SITENAME}}, you can [[Special:UserLogin|log in]] with your username and password as usual. To use OpenID in the future, you can [[Special:OpenIDConvert|convert your account to OpenID]] after you have logged in normally.
openidloginlabel (Talk)OpenID URL
openidnickname (Talk)Nickname
openidnopolicy (Talk)Site has not specified a privacy policy.
openidnousername (Talk)No username specified.
openidoptional (Talk)Optional
openidpermission (Talk)OpenID permissions error
openidpermissiontext (Talk)The OpenID you provided is not allowed to login to this server.
openidpolicy (Talk)Check the <a target="_new" href="$1">privacy policy</a> for more information.
openidrequired (Talk)Required
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